The Journey of Extra Dimensions

The journey of Extra Dimensions is one of colour, pomp, professionalism and diversification. When Wambui Njoora found the market for events management wanting and limited, she did what a natural entrepreneur would do. Almost two decades ago, she founded and incorporated Extra Dimensions Co. Ltd.  If you name any public, corporate and private high- quality event and Extra Dimensions has had a hand in making it a reality. 

We witnessed this when we toured the Extra Dimensions headquarters in the scenic, Kikuyu county in the outskirts of Nairobi. Wambui gave the group a tour of the sprawling acreage and showed us the wide range of inventory organized in colour, shape and form.  She did this while introducing her team to us and ensuring that the breakfast set up was ready to warm our bellies as we got ready to elevate our minds with business acumen. The combination of her visionary thinking as well as hospitable spirit inspired us deeply and we could not help but observe in awe the extra dimensional growth (pun intended).

As we settled into the corporate boardroom, we noticed the walls adorned with the Global Compact Initiative certificate as well as other awards that Extra Dimensions had won. Wambui introduced us to her mission which is founded on the values of honesty and integrity. It is executed through an able team that is also composed of her family, making it an inter-generational business. 

In the last quarter of 2017, due to the challenge of having reliable energy during their events, they sought a solution and decided to diversify the business by launching the Energy and Engineering Division. This division is steadily growing as it aims to provide solutions in renewable energy, Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technology. Some of the key clients they have attained from the daring diversification is the Safaricom ‘Fibre to Home’ solution where they have been one of the key partners.


As she explained her single-minded concentration on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) we each started to ask ourselves how much each of our businesses were focused on the SDGs. Her passion and excitement was palpable and we continued to delve deeply into their business connection to the SDGs. 

In strategy implementation, only what gets measured gets done and Extra Dimensions is a testimony of this. They have focused on SDG 1, 5, 7 and 10.

  • No Poverty is the SDG 1. Extra dimensions is playing its part in alleviating poverty by employing uneducated and inexperienced young women and men. Not only do they enable them grow their skills but also give them exposure to various clients and industries.
  • Achieving Gender Equality is SDG 5 whereby the Directors and Management at Extra 

Dimensions have made a conscious effort while recruiting employees and pre-qualifying suppliers to provide an equal opportunity to both men and women. Their goal is 50:50 in 2020 and they are well on the way to achieve this as they are now at 60:40 in 2018.

  • SDG NO.7 is about Affordable and Clean energy – The Engineering Division solved the energy need for their round the clock hour operations which demanded for an affordable and reliable power solution. 
  • SDG NO.10.- Partnership for Goals is all about being them being Global Citizen who drives positive change in our society through sponsoring of various initiatives that have a positive impact to the communities.

With this kind of results, it is no wonder that Extra Dimensions won the second runner up award – Sustainability Category at Safaricom Annual Supplier Awards. Congratulations to each of the Extra Dimensions team. You have continued to prove the theory that we have:

If you start a business to make money, money will evade you. But if you start a business to solve a problem, you will never run out of business – Dr. Patricia Murugami



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